NWP Courses

The National Writing Project offers a variety of online courses and bundles created by teachers for other teachers. There are both synchronous and asynchronous options at competitive price points. Every course leader is an experienced instructor, supported by a national network of writing education experts.

Below are just a few of our featured courses. If you have questions about any of the courses, including options for paying for groups of teachers or setting up PD credits through your district, email onlinecourses@nwp.org.

See all courses

“I found all of the materials to be relevant to my teaching. The tutorials were especially useful! Most of all, though, was walking through the activities and completing them as a student!”


Routine Argument Writing Participant

English & Psychology Teacher

NWP’s Approach to Teaching Argument Writing

NWP’s Approach to Teaching Argument Writing

Available Any Time, Self-Paced
3 Learning Hours

Designed to introduce school and district leaders to NWP's approach to teaching argument writing, participants will explore a sampling of professional publications, instructional resources, and plan for how they might implement this research-based approach in their context.
Cost: FREE


Teach from Your Best Self

Teach from Your Best Self: Personal Writing for Growth and Healing

Begins September 4
18 Learning Hours

In this workshop, participants will explore the power of two modes of writing: reflective writing, which can help us learn and act from our authentic, whole selves, and expressive writing, a research-backed approach for liberating ourselves from limiting patterns.
Cost: $350


Creating An Argument Text Set Self-Paced

Creating an Argument Text Set

Available Any Time, Self-Paced
3 Learning Hours

How do we design an effective text set based on topics that our students care about? In this course, teachers will be supported in moving through a 5-step process to build a text set that they can immediately use to engage their students in writing arguments.
Cost: $75
