We put teachers’ knowledge to work to improve the teaching of writing
What We Do

How We Do It
Developing Leadership
Our core work identifies and supports great teacher-leaders. Leadership institutes mix it up, bringing together experienced teachers of different grade levels and disciplines inviting them to surface their successful practice, activate an inquiry stance toward educational challenges, and innovate and test new approaches and ideas.

Network of Sites
Spreading Expertise
This ever-expanding cadre of local teachers is then able to disseminate promising practices and support their peers in pursuing educational excellence via our vast network of sites co-directed by faculty from the local university and K–12 schools.
Programs & Services
Professional Development Opportunities
Through its local sites, the National Writing Project provides customized evidence-based professional development programming for teachers, schools, and districts, as well as direct services for youth and communities.
Online Communities
Anytime, Anywhere Learning
Tapping into the power of networked technologies to support writing and the teaching of writing, NWP hosts online communities of practice for youth and adults.
Meet Linda
In 1980, after five years of teaching high school English in Portland, Oregon, Linda Christensen was ready for more.

NWP at Work
“I knew I needed to move forward, but I didn't have a direction; I didn't have many good models or much confidence that I could find my way. In connecting with colleagues through NWP and the Philadelphia Writing Project, I found both.”